
Timeline of various metals used for jewelries

If we check out the period of 70, silver was considered to be the metal for junk jewelries and mostly rebels use to wear it. Conversely in today era this metal has also regained good status and at times people even prefer to have their engagement and wedding rings in this metal. Similarly today hot chic on the floor is CZ jewelry.Jewelries are of varied varieties and varied types. Everyone has his or her own choice of jewelry and thus there are lots of varieties available in today era amongst which one can choose the one that suits them perfectly well. If we study the timeline of jewelries, we will come to know that each metal had its own star time. For e.g. however gold is considered to be timeless classic but in ancient times this metal rocked the world and people were crazy about ornaments made in this metal. Be it any kind of jewelry such as clip earrings and neck pieces etc, gold was considered to be the royal metal and one having ornaments made in this metal was considered to be filthy rich.

