Make sure you are Presenting yourself well, have a reputable retailer, and Marketing Should Be a breeze. Believe it or not it is pretty easy to make a fake designer bag and Its Actually pretty easy to spot fake Prada designer handbags if you know What to look for. Make sure When buying a Prada bag off year online auction or website That It Comes With Certificate of Authenticity and / or at least Some type of serial number you-can look up from Prada, if Some Of These thing are not present here's some helpful tips to AVOID fakes. Step a Look at the Prada name on the emblem, look at the R in the right leg Prada if r is on the strait - its fake, if it curves in - its real.
Step 2 the tag inside the bag must say PRADA MADE IN ITALY exactly. Step 3 The lining Should say Prada going horizontal all over it (For example: Prada ~ Prada ~ Prada ~), ITS Pradas signature lining That Is Used in Most Of Their bags and the fake Prada designer handbags Will Have Something That looks like it wont say it aims Prada! Step 4 the background of the Prada flat color as the Sami Usually bag. Step 5 The metal on the event The bag engraved with buttons Should Be the word Prada. Step 6 It Should Have a serial number from Prada and come with authenticity tags and a dust bagThe Italian fashion designer Mario Prada first namesake company history Founded in 1913 with simple, dependable products. For Many Years, however, Prada Was Not associated with high fashion.
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